Saturday, March 07, 2009

Pick one!

Doggy Thoughts has a new banner! If you haven't already noticed of course. Lol. It's not much different from the old one tho'. Same outline, same style. The only difference is the pictures (Yes, got a bit lazy there).

Come to think of it, I think I like the old one better. Damn. So yeah, thoughts?




blammer said...

Hahahaha, nice banner scoobz. I spot you in a shiznat sandwich! Mm..shiznat

scoobz said...

Mmmh yeah.. Yum! Lol. I take it you like the new one better then?

Ziyu said...

i like the first one.

Quin said...

i'd suggest you stick to one style on your choice of image. if it's ur own illustration, do the whole thing with them.

scoobz said...

Ziyu: So do I!

Quin: Thanks for the tip Kok quin. I kinda see what u mean. The whole thing doesn't 'gel' too well does it? I figured that something was not quite right but couldn't put my finger on it.

pauleen said...

scooby...i like the first one better...but the new one will be nicer without the pic in hte middle...LOL...hehe..pls don kill me!!!!missing ya scoobs!!

scoobz said...

Lol. Why ever would I kill you? Unless you were the last cow on earth and I'm really craving for beef at that moment of course! ;D I miss you too! Come for mine and Mel's graduation!!! :)

pauleen said...

OH MY...i can't believe u guys are graduating!!!!!!!!!!i wanna grad too!!!!!!!sob sob..
when is it?

scoobz said...

In July. Mel's the 1st week I think and mine's the second.