Saturday, December 06, 2008

Winter wonderland

I awoke on Thurs morn to this!

On the way to class

And the serene atmosphere after class.

Before it was disrupted by a huge snowball fight between us biotechs and our biomedic classmates ;)

With over 21 years of experience, we were no match for them! It was extremely good fun tho' :)


pauleen said...

i adore ur life, scooby!!!!!

scoobz said...

Come join meeeeee!

Jaryn said...

awwww beautiful snowwwwwwwww!!!

i wanttttt to playyyyy with snowww!

jlshyang said...

wow, that's pretty heavy. so nice!

Anonymous said...

Yes it was! :) But once snow melts, it turns ugly. So dirty!!

Anonymous said...

Jaryn: The closest place I can think of getting snow in Msia is in Genting Snow-house! Or or! You could come visit me and Jia Ying....? :D